Thursday, September 4, 2008

Slice and dice

Katana- Colleen Wing

So obvious that ain’t no comment necessary.

Ladies! Swords! From the same country!

Only that Tatsu is full blooded Japanese, and Wing’s pop was an American white fella.

Alternate histories:

KA: Tatsu Yamauchi is raised in Japan and grows up learning the ways of the samurai. She emigrates to America and partners with policewoman Karen Beecher; the two establish a private investigation firm and often ally with the superhuman operatives Steel and Thunderbolt.

CW: Colleen Wing is raised in Japan; she avenges her husband‘s murder by his brother and then trains in the ways of the samurai. She leaves Japan, encounters Captain America and joins his newly constituted Defenders with the Falcon, Sandman and two other operatives, with whom Wing has served sporadically.

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